Election Day: A Harry Cassidy Novel Read online

Page 33

  “Makes the next few days the most critical and important since the first American Revolution,” John McKee said.

  The riots in the streets increased dramatically over the next two nights taking place in just about every major city in the nation, and the media got the word out that President Nelson would address the situation the next evening at 8:00 p.m. “This is it,” Harry said to Susan. “I hope they are ready to move.”

  They once again all gathered with their wives and families as the President, looking tired and afraid, took to the airwaves behind his podium in the White House briefing room. He began by scolding the riotous behavior of those “few people who would try to undermine the goals and values of their progressive leaders.” He next went on to state that these actions and demonstrations have forced him to once again declare martial law to be in effect “until peace and order were once more restored.”

  He hesitated and turned slightly, as if he had heard a noise, or if something disturbed his train of thought. As he turned back to face the camera, a four-star general, accompanied by two, tall military police officers, marched up to him. The general put his hand on the President’s shoulder and said, “Mr. President, you are relieved as Commander-in Chief.” Turning to the MPs he said, “Restrain him and take him away.”

  Four more four-star officers, the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff, joined their chairman, General Weldon, who now took the podium. He said, “My fellow Americans, the military is now in charge of the government of the United States. The current administration is no longer in power. Congress is hereby dissolved until further notice. I implore all civilian branches of the government, which have been armed by this administration, to lay down your arms and go peacefully back to your homes. If you resist or fire on my uniformed troops, you will be killed.

  “I also implore all citizens who have been demonstrating to cease and desist and return to their homes for a good night’s rest. Come out in tomorrow’s sunshine and greet your fellow Americans in uniform who will be providing food, water and other necessities of life to you. We will open all our reserve food storage areas to distribute among you. We will also order the nation’s strategic oil reserves to be opened for the distribution of heating oil and gasoline, which will drop the price dramatically.

  “When the necessities of your life have been met, we will begin to take back our nation from the thieving politicians who have robbed us, bankrupted us and made us a laughing stock among the nations of the world.

  “It is not our intention to stay in power forever. Only as long as it takes to elect a new government of honest, God-fearing citizens who will once again lead America to prosperity and respect. Remember, we are all in this together, and by acting together, we will succeed. Thank you and good night.”

  * * *

  The plan had worked. The armed civilians laid down their weapons willingly and graciously. The second American Revolution had successfully occurred with no loss of life. A new political party – the Patriot Party – was formed and its platform was based on the Founding Father’s principles and on simplicity and openness in government. The new party attracted many like-minded Democrats and Republicans, almost all of the former members of the Tea Party, and a majority of ordinary Americans who finally realized they had been swindled.

  The leader of the Patriot Party was a newcomer to politics, a clean-shaven forty-seven year old former Marine and businessman, whose spellbinding speeches foretold a unifying theme for all Americans and a return to a leadership position among the nations of the world. The fact that Jonathan Bradley was still alive, and had not in fact been hanged by the previous administration, brought home to the people the real depths of lies and deceit they had been subjected to. Bradley preached a simple platform of a “Return to our Roots.”

  On election day, Jonathan Bradley and his running mate, Michael Moran, a strong- principled state senator from Oregon and the son of the late Jimmy Moran, were swept into office with 68% of the popular vote, with similar margins for his party in both houses of Congress. He now had two months to pick his cabinet – a much reduced group due to his promise to drastically limit the powers and duties of the Federal bureaucracy. At a gathering of his friends and supporters the new President-elect said, “I’m sure you will all agree with me that former Marine Colonel Kevin Connelly will make a great Secretary of Defense. I mean how many guys can survive being hanged and come back to tell about it?”

  Cheering and nods of approval caused Jonathan to raise his hands for quiet. He said, “Now for my friends in law enforcement. Walt Kobak, would you accept my offer to be my attorney general, the top law enforcement official in the nation?”

  “I would be honored, Mr. President.”

  “And Harry, would you accept my offer to be my Secretary of Homeland Security?”

  “I am flattered that you would consider me for that position, but I must decline your offer.”

  The assemblage was shocked into silence at this unexpected refusal. Jonathan smiled and said, “I think I know why, but tell us anyway.”

  “I want to go back to the simple life in Wyoming. The beauty and peacefulness of nature and the Sunday services at the Reverend Phineas’s church, which I’m sure the folks there will reopen in honor of that good clergyman. We are in Washington, D.C., and all I can think of is getting out of here and going back home – and I don’t mean New York City.”

  “And that will be enough to keep you interested in life?”

  “Life is always full of surprises. Who knows? I may run for sheriff in my county of residence and practice some good old-fashioned Western style law enforcement.”

  “Like the sheriff in No Country for Old Men?” Jonathan asked with a big smile.

  “Yes, great role model for me that Tommy Lee Jones was. Six-shot colt revolver, a tin star and a horse. Can’t beat it.”

  “So my friend,” Phil MacDonald said, “you have come full circle in your life and have actually become Hopalong-fucking-Cassidy.”

  After the laughter died down Harry said, “May Hopalong offer you an alternative choice for that prestigious position, Mr. President?”

  “Like Charlie Carson?”

  “Exactly, and he’s younger than I am. And Charlie, may I suggest our friend John McKee here would be an excellent choice for NYMPD Police Commissioner now that the ultra-liberal Mayor Kroger has been swept out of office?”

  “Charlie?” Bradley said.

  “I’d be honored to accept that position, And I’ll make some calls to New York on John’s behalf right away.”

  “Terrific. Now would you consider our friend Nick Faliani for a deputy position in your organization?”

  “Certainly, if I can convince him to leave his beloved New York City and join me here in Washington. What say you, Nick?”

  “Charlie, the only deputy I want to be is Harry’s deputy out in Wyoming – and only a part-time deputy at that.”

  “Nick, I am truly shocked. You’re really going to Wyoming?”

  “Yeah, why not? I liked it when I visited out there. In fact, I just came back from my last visit a few days ago.”

  “What about the lack of good Italian food?” Phil said.

  “It’s not the lack of good food – my wife Terry is the best cook around – it’s the lack of fine Italian restaurants that can cook great food that’s the problem. And that’s the reason I can only be a part-time deputy for you, Harry.”

  “I don’t get what you’re talking about.”

  “Me and Terry are buying in to that Mario’s Ristorante in Cody – a controlling share. She’ll be the head chef, and I will be the maître’d. I do look good in a tux, you know. It’s a good facility with lousy food. We’ll fix that in a hurry, though.”

  “Congratulations,” Harry said which was echoed by all the others among handshakes and pats on the back. “I can’t wait for opening night. Susan and I will definitely be there.”

  “And in your case, it’s half-price for the men in blue – or green, or b
rown – or whatever the hell the sheriff’s out there wear.”

  “Great, now what do you say we saddle up and get out of D.C.?”

  “I’m ready right now.”

  “Good luck to all of you,” Harry said as he and Nick went around shaking everyone’s hand. “You did it. Now to be blunt – don’t fuck it up like the previous administration did.”

  “We will give it our best shot, Hopalong,” the President-elect said. “Keep an eye on us from out there in the Wild West, and let us know if we’re straying from our principles and goals.”

  “I’d like to offer a few words of political wisdom to add to Harry’s blunt admonition to not fuck things up,” Phil MacDonald said. “The politicians we just swept out of office were not all bad guys. Most of them entered their chosen career with the idealistic goal of serving the people. Liberal Democrats and Liberal Republicans should not be dirty words to us. What infected them, and what infects most politicians, Conservatives of both parties included, is money. In politics, money is truly the root of all evil. Jonathan, you are not yet a professional politician, but can you tell me what is the politician’s most important concern?’

  “Keeping his constituent’s happy?”

  “No, it is to get re-elected, and by so doing he can continue feeding at the public trough, amass wealth and power and influence, and only then will he care about the concerns of his constituents and the nation. And the last group got themselves re-elected by giving as much free stuff to the voters as possible, and crushing all dissidents fascist style.”

  “It worked for them until they bankrupted the country, but I will not succumb to that,” Jonathan said. “And I don’t believe my administration or members of our new party will either.”

  “I don’t share your belief. They will fall under the spell of money and power just as all the others of both parties have done over the last fifty years. To avoid that, you must fundamentally change the whole rotten, stinking system.”

  “And how do we do that?” the President-elect said.

  “Your campaign slogan was to Return to our Roots. Implement that in deeds, and not just words. Propose legislation to severely limit campaign contributions, establish term limits for all federally elected officials, reduce salaries and perks for members of Congress and your administration, and go back to a congress being a part-time endeavor, not a full-year job for lawyers and lobbyists. And you might reach out to the party we just defeated for a couple of their capable people to fill your cabinet posts.”

  “Will you hang around here as my chief political adviser to help us achieve those worthy goals?” Jonathan asked.

  “I would be very pleased to serve you in that capacity, Mr. President-elect,” Phil said with a big smile and an extended hand.

  They shook hands heartily and wrapped their arms around each other.

  Harry looked out of the window at the setting sun. He pointed to the huge orange ball descending in the western sky. “Well folks, now that we have solved all the nation’s problems, I believe that sunset is our cue to ride off. Right, Nick?”

  “I believe you are correct, Sheriff Cassidy. In the glory of the sunset, to the regions of the home-wind… Due west, just like fucking Hiawatha.”

  Their mouths hung open. Nick Faliani quoting Longfellow? Life was indeed full of surprises. And that was a good thing.


  I wish to thank all my readers, especially those who took the time to post the many wonderful reviews you wrote for my previous work on Amazon.com. They go a long way in enticing potential readers to give my books a try. Since I write in longhand, the services of a good typist who can interpret my scrawls and get it neatly on the computer, is a dire necessity. I am fortunate to have two of them, Lorraine Hack and Anne Cram, who put Election Day into its final outstanding form. Thanks so much for your work.

  After you have read Election Day, and hopefully enjoyed it, a short review on Amazon.com and/or Goodreads.com would be most appreciated. Links to these sites may be found on my website, www.henryhack.com.

  We seem to be under the rule of the politicians (of both parties) whose only goal is to be re-elected and to line their pockets with lobbyist’s dollars. I hope that Election Day has given you some food for thought concerning the direction in which our great country appears to be heading, and perhaps how we may reverse course.